Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Web 2.0 Expo

Upon going in the Expo, two cute veluptuous models asked me to fill out a questionnaire. I couldn't take their survey because I had just got there. If I were to describe my experience it would be equivalent to window shopping at a strange mall. The "sales people" seemed inexperienced as spokes persons. Some venders hired actors to push their product via commercial type presentations. That seemed weird and out of place. Everything on sale or provided like application design software and financial investment support software just seemed overwhelming. I just went around the huge hall and collected flyers. The most difficult part about the day was reaching around spectators who'd unintentionally block the shortest path to the flyers. The best parts of the expo were the venders who offered employment.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Poor Design

copy and paste this url into the address bar


Monday, April 7, 2008



5 Picture Story


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Eugene Lee Lecture

Mr. Lee spoke of running his business like running an army. The growth of his company seemed to stem from communication changes between the sales people on the front lines and the Administrators who laid out the strategic plans. He wants to establish the use of wiki 2.0 technology like an assembly line in a factory. projects and proposals will be uploaded and made public for people in the wiki (inside the company). then everyone is encouraged to edit the material and improve it any way possible. I compare this to a factory be back later